Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Bullet proof ideas

Is Your Current Job Worthy of Your Ambitions?

If you have ambitions to grow and advance, your current job and other professional involvements should be a canvas to develop, show what you can do and make an impact. That impact is summarized by bullet points in your resume and the true stories you tell in an interview. Is your current job worthy of your ambitions?

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How to Write a Career Transition Resume that Sells

In the gig economy which characterizes the modern job market, with opportunities flying left and right, more power of choice to the employee, and companies becoming increasingly agile, people have never switched jobs as quickly as they are now. This dynamic movement can, in turn, be a key driver of career progression by providing the experiences required to remain relevant in ever-changing industries and complex organizational contexts. The silos in which professions were once isolated are falli…

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Dumping the Resume Objective Statement

The question keeps coming up. “What should I write in my resume’s objective statement?”

We get this question from people at all levels. The fact that perfectly smart people don’t know what to do about this traditional section of the resume tells me that as an element of your marketing document (aka resume), it doesn’t work and is a waste of space.

If you have read this blog, I have ranted on more than one occasion about your resume’s purpose. It is, hands down, a marketing document, and should be…

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Truth Inspired Resume Writing

Translating your truth to your resume

Let’s explore the important theme of truth and how truth is related to an effective resume and cover letter. It sounds simple, but actually there are some not-so-obvious layers of meaning that you need to master.

What does the truth-theme have to do with your resumes and cover letters?

Your resume is an extension and representation of your professional self. Of course, you put your best foot forward when you craft your resume. But, in essence, your resume repre…

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How to Handle Contract Work on Your Resume

This is a common challenge. Contracting is extremely common in some industries, and not so much in others, so certainly part of the positive and negative reaction will be industry-based. However, there is a lot you can do to influence how the contracting experience is received.

The first thing is to make sure that it is crystal clear to the scanning eye that these were contracts. You don’t want the reader to think that you have been jumping around in your jobs. I will cover how below.

Second, you …

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Resume Writing: The Magic Formula for the Professional Experience Section

Okay, maybe it isn’t really magic. But it does make an unfocused resume really impressive.

The Problem

The average resume’s professional experience section isn’t very focused. Certainly, you want to write about the organization you worked for, what your role was and what you accomplished. The question is, when you do this, does the result really demonstrate what you can do? If you answered “no,” read on.

The Solution

It is actually very simple in concept. Where possible, describe the jobs you have h…

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