Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Employee Disengagement Common - Globe & Mail Interview

I did a lead interview a few years back on employee disengagement for Canada's national newspaper, the Globe & Mail. Is your job satisfaction low? Do you feel disengaged with your work? More to the point, if you think that you have a pattern of self-sabotaging your career or feel disengaged with your job, is to analyze the situation: Is it the job or is it you?

"Certainly a cause of disengagement could be bad times -- layoffs, continuous re-organization, uncertainty about what your job really is,…

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The Rise of the Orcs: Bad Leadership in a Tough Economy

I heard a story a week ago surrounding the inauguration. A friend of mine has a colleague and that colleague received an invitation from a friend of hers in New York to go to the inauguration. Two tickets to that historical event. Of course, she was excited and she had vacation days coming to her.

However, when she asked her manager to take 2 days of vacation, not only did he say no, but he also said, “….points off for even asking. I am surprised you even asked.”

Now, I don’t know the specific…

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man on a chair writing notes

Handling a Voluntary Demotion

Making The Most Of a Career Setback

I think this is one of those questions where you are going to get different feedback and advice. Here’s mine.

There are a few things going on here. From a “you” perspective, it would be worth investigating what is behind this insecurity, and if there is anything you can do to work through it.

From a role perspective, dissect the executive job you hold and find out what areas, if any, you excel at, are comfortable with, and lastly, which are part of this insecurit…

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Quiz Results Reveal that References are your Biggest Job Search Challenge

Since I launched the Market Ready Challenge Quiz in January, thousands of you have tested your job search or career change readiness. (The quiz is still open, so head on over and test yourself, if you are, or are planning on being, "on the market").

What is really interesting is to review what areas of the job search process respondents have trouble with. I will share more at a later date. However, cutting to the chase...

References consistently scored the lowest. Respondents reported that among t…

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The Problem with Career Decisions

Career development challenges

Which direction should I take my career?
Should I apply to this job posting?
Should I take this job offer?
Promotion? I guess that is the next logical thing...

I have observed over the years that personal decision making as it relates to career direction, job opportunities, and other issues that impact how you make a living is a weak skill set for most people.

Why is that? I think most people aren’t good at career decision making for 4 reasons:

1. Not enough practice

How ma…

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