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Truth Based Job Search

Using your truth in career development

Previously, I wrote about truth-based career management and truth-based resume writing. In this article, let’s explore a truth-based model for a successful job search.

Developing a solid understanding of who you are professionally is difficult work. It takes a lot of insightful observation on your part. In fact, this questioning is at the heart of many of the conversations I have with clients. Figuring out the truth about your professional self is important w…

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The Truth and Your Career

Applying truth in your professional career

The truth and managing your career. There are some not-so-obvious layers of meaning that you need to master in order to build a successful career. This concept is particularly important to grasp when you are heading into job search or career change mode.

Truth-Based Behaviour

The most obvious aspect of this theme is your behaviour and actions measured against ethical and legal standards. Not misrepresenting your qualifications. Dealing honestly with custom…

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Truth Inspired Resume Writing

Translating your truth to your resume

Let’s explore the important theme of truth and how truth is related to an effective resume and cover letter. It sounds simple, but actually there are some not-so-obvious layers of meaning that you need to master.

What does the truth-theme have to do with your resumes and cover letters?

Your resume is an extension and representation of your professional self. Of course, you put your best foot forward when you craft your resume. But, in essence, your resume repre…

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man on a video call

The Marketing Mind-Set for Career Management & Job Search

How to manage your career through marketing strategies

I get faced with questions about why marketing is a relevant concept in career management. Shouldn’t the resume and the interview be about facts? A display of credentials?

In an ideal world, we might only have to display our credentials and magically have a job matched for us, as the best candidate. There would be no need to market yourself if there were no competition for jobs. Nor would there be any need to market yourself if you didn’t care…

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How to Follow-Up after Interviewing

Maintaining a presence outside of the interview

Follow-up phone calls certainly aren’t out of the place, in particular if you have made it to the short-list, and if you have other opportunities that you are trying to manage. Here are some factors to consider:


It is always a good idea to understand where possible, where you are in the timing of a recruitment process. Candidates that get in early, often have to wait longer. Sometimes, you need to be patient (while of course continuing to searc…

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How to Handle Contract Work on Your Resume

This is a common challenge. Contracting is extremely common in some industries, and not so much in others, so certainly part of the positive and negative reaction will be industry-based. However, there is a lot you can do to influence how the contracting experience is received.

The first thing is to make sure that it is crystal clear to the scanning eye that these were contracts. You don’t want the reader to think that you have been jumping around in your jobs. I will cover how below.

Second, you …

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