LinkedIn Profile

Is your LinkedIn Profile Market Ready?

Build your personal brand, reputation & network - a LinkedIn profile service designed for executives &other senior professionals

How to

As the market evolves, the bar gets higher for your LinkedIn profile. For good or bad, you’re putting yourself, and likely your company/employer out there. You need a LinkedIn strategy to best represent yourself. Enter our LinkedIn profile service.

Welcome. This is CEO & Chief Career Strategist, Ian Christie. I’m a long-time fan of LinkedIn as a personal marketing platform and I had my profile up the year they launched.

  • Does your current LinkedIn profile make the grade?
  • Does your LinkedIn profile make the impression you want it to?
  • Are you leveraging LinkedIn as a platform and not just an online brochure or rolodex?

Tension #1: Your LinkedIn profile as promoting yourself vs. Your employer / company

Have you noticed the tension? Between your profile as a personal marketing statement and platform and your profile as an advertisement or business tool for your employer / company? It’s there and you need to resolve it.

Tension #2: How much to share on your LinkedIn Profile?

We’ve determined over the years working with clients, teaching and speaking on LinkedIn strategies to MBAs and writing on the topic that there are different profile types, based on market, comfort levels and professional situation and goals. Not one type. Several. 

Which LinkedIn profile should you adopt?

Expert LinkedIn Profile Services for Executives, Senior Managers, Entrepreneurs & MBAs

When you start a job search in a rush, without preparing, you dramatically decrease the likelihood of landing something you really want and deserve. 

Our team understands LinkedIn profiles & resumes and the perspectives and behaviours of hiring managers, human resources, and executive recruiters. Most importantly, however, based on 20+ years of experience, we understand what it means to craft and design a professional, personal marketing document.

  • As a former executive recruiter, I reviewed and made decisions on hundreds of thousands of resumes
  • As global top 100 MBA career centre director, I advised and taught on LinkedIn profiles and strategies
  • As an executive career consultant and resume writer, I’ve helped hundreds of clients brand themselves, develop their careers and make strategic career moves

Image - Ingredients to a Magnetic LinkedIn Profile

  • Compelling
  • Job / keyword findable
  • Topical
  • The Right People
  • Network size


We can help you leverage LinkedIn as your personal marketing / reputation management platform

Image: LinkedIn as Professional Platform

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