Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Marketing, Marketing, Marketing

On my mind and the minds of a lot of my clients recently is marketing. Whether you run a small business, are self-employed, work for someone else or are on the job hunt, MARKETING IS KEY. I have been personally experiencing the benefits of marketing recently, some of which I describe below.

Ultimately, your ability to thrive, to survive no matter what the circumstances, to succeed where others fail, to make bold changes in your life will be in great part due to your ability to market YOU.

If you a…

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Cultivating Relationships

Almost all of the good things that have happened to me in my life were a result of managing and cultivating relationships. Most people get jobs through people they know. Opportunities are usually created through networks. However, many people make the mistake of focusing on quantity rather than quality when they network. They think that having met someone now qualifies that person as a contact. Perhaps. But, meeting someone and leaving a lasting impression are two different things. For most of u…

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