Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Resume writing

One of the most common mistakes I see in resumes at the managerial and executive level is the omission of context in professional experiences. Why is context important in your resume?

1. Whenever you make a resume reader work hard to figure out your potential value and fit, you are likely not going to benefit.

2. Resumes are selling documents and context at the company, role, and career path levels can be additional arrows in your quiver.

3. Fit is a subtle but important thing. You are helping high…

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What I am working on with my clients

The holiday season and the new year is a time for reflection, goal setting and planning for the coming year. If you are thinking about making changes our pursuing your professional goals, you might be interested in the following:

A lot of people ask me what it is I work on with my clients. Well, it varies. I am working with a lot of great clients right now and it is a priviledge to be able to help them along their path to greater career fulfillment and the achievement of their goals.

To give you a…

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An Ideal Career for Everyone?

One of the first roadblocks to making a career change, and this causes a lot of people to rot in their existing job, is that assumption or feeling that there is one right answer. One magic profession, that if it could be identified, would be the solution to everything. So, in the absence of finding the “right answer,” people stay put. But, while they stay put, life goes on.

In my experience, some, and only some people, have a specific thing that they “find” and in which they can be happy for the …

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Creative Networking 1

Tomorrow, I join a friend at his 3rd monthly networking event. The concept? An invite only networking function, hosted by him. This is a great idea to kick-up your job search or personal branding efforts.Who is coming? Repeat guests and new ones - people he has added to his network since his last event. At this event, everyone is required to talk about themselves and their "problem / opportunity" in a concise, specific way, so that the group can help.

I am telling you, it is a powerful way to go …

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