Career Coaching & Career Advice Blog


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Your Physical Work Environment

Restructuring your work space

Questions for you: Where do you do your best work? Are there places where you do a certain kind of work better? What is the right space for you for a certain kind of work activity?

Me: I need to have multiple work environments for my best productivity. For example, I do my best writing either sitting outside on the deck (as I am now), in my living room, or, believe it or not, in a cafe. There is something about the ambient noise that allows me to write creatively.


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My Mom said get your foot in the door...

You know, there isn’t a lot of room these days for the old-fashioned door-knocking job search and sales method. Or is there?

I have a client who, in his past, won his 2 jobs simply by showing up at reception and asking to speak to someone. They didn’t offer him a job then and there, obviously, but he got his foot in the door.

Currently (as I write this), he is interviewing at a company with the perfect job for him - simply because he did a bit of homework, and showed up at their office. He …

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When to Take a Lower Position

Downshifting. Does it ever make sense to take a step down the career ladder? If you can get past that nagging, inborn sense that “going lower” can only be a sign of downward career mobility, the answer is yes. Taking a lesser position can help move your career forward if the job fits into a larger long-term plan. Read on to find out when a lower position might make sense, and how you can make such a transition successfully. When to take a lower position.


KEY TAKEAWAYS | Downshifting can help mo…

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Making work personal

Sharp readers are going to catch me stating the obvious on occasion...that's ok. Often, the most obvious is really a profound truth. Here is one that can make your life a lot more pleasant, and increase your chances of success:

Try and work and do business with people you like and respect.

Being successful in your work, career and business dealings to a large extent is about putting yourself in situations that fit.

Cultural fit. Environmental fit. Job fit. And, people fit. If you can't stand…

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6 Steps to Answering Why Should We Hire You?

Checking off the boxes to being hired

Some interview questions are more important than others. Why should we hire you is the most important interview question. The question comes in two basic forms:

  • Why should we hire you? Or, why you over someone else?

  • What would you bring to our company?

Common Mistakes in Answering the Why Should We Hire You Question

I rarely see people do well with the why should we hire you question. Here are the most common mistakes:

  • Candidate doesn’t spend enough time on the qu…

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